Photo Credit: Archengine
Every morning, a husband and wife are busy unloading the flowers and placing them on the shelves. The husband usually pulls the new flowers for the week on a large cart, opening the side door, where his wife comes out to help him take them into the storage room or place them on one of the shelves. Strangely enough, the small flower kiosk is located next to a busy cellphone stand, which is also next to some fast food restaurants. It seems out of place, the flowers, the married couple next to the oily food, but somehow it all works out.
Is it crazy to say I wish I had their job? That I wish I could wake up every morning and go to work with my husband to sell flowers? I love the simplicity of it all. To get to talk to people, sell them a plant they will either keep for themselves or give to someone else as a present. To be surrounded by life, something that is growing and makes it seem like it is summer or spring, even during the winter time. The vivid colors of red, blue, yellow, pink, purple, and orange and the smell of nature, which makes me reminisce of the times I used to forge through the forest preserve with my friends on make believe adventures. And of course, to be with someone you love every day.
I've spend many years wanting a dream job and wondering what my idea of a dream job actually was. Does such a job exist? To be honest, I don't really know. What I have learned is that I don't need a job that will make me rich. I just want a job that makes me happy and allows me to enjoy the little things in life.