Tuesday, November 27, 2012


 Photo Credit: AnnaWrites

I love dreaming.

Sometimes my dreams frighten me.  I wake up in sweat or jump up with a jolt as my heart pounds madly.  Other times, I wake up shouting at nothing in particular, a feeling of anger rushing through me, but then settling down as I realize I've just woken up.  I hate these types of dreams, and if I had more control over them, I would never have any.

I also have dreams that make me reflect upon my life.  Dreams that remind me of the positive and negative aspects of my personality to the extreme.  Ones that make me wonder if I'm sending myself subliminal messages that I've chosen to ignore when I'm awake.

Then there are the dreams that make me happy.  The ones that make me wish I did not have to wake up.  A dream where I can do whatever I wish and nothing I attempt can ever be wrong.  Everything I desire is within my grasp and there's no sense of loneliness or anger. My knight in shinning armor, oh he's there.  Perfect as can be.

However, the best part of dreaming is that it's not real. Each night I get to go to sleep to dream of different dreams, experience things I may have already done so in real life or tried something new I will never be able to attempt in reality.  It's where I can go jump off a cliff and still wake up intact. Most importantly, I can choose to go in and out of sleep and not have to worry about how my dreams will affect me in reality.  Dreams are where anything can happen.  Nothing is too big or small or impossible.  In fact, it's a place I go to each night to escape and piece myself together.  It keeps me sane.

And I guess that's why I love to dream.  

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